Volunteer Opportunities
Our parish runs on VOLUNTEER SUPPORT! We need YOU! Please take a look at this list, and pray about where your talents can be used to build up the kingdom of God!
Additional Opportunities
Adult Faith Formation |
Do you have ideas you would like to share regarding adult religious education in our parish? Would you like to offer your time and talent to building up the faith of our parish community? All parishioners are invited to attend to volunteer with Adult Faith Formation in our parish. Contact the office for more information or email Bernie Miller at [email protected].
If you would like to attend Scripture Studies, or volunteer to help with hospitality during the studies, you may contact the office. Please see our Scripture Study page for more information on current studies. |
Assist with CLOW |
The Children's Liturgy of the Word, held at both the 11am Masses on the fourth Sundays of the month, needs Virtus certified volunteers to help lead reflections and assist with the children during CLOW. Reflections are already pre-prepared. If you're interested please contact the Religious Education Office for more information. 410-665-4106 or [email protected].
Assist at Mass |
Saint Ursula invites Catholics who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation to consider being Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion ("Eucharistic Ministers") or Lectors as Mass. If you are interested in one or both of these volunteer opportunities, please contact Deacon David Glassman at [email protected].
Boys and girls who are in grades 5 or higher are invited to become altar servers. This is an important ministry in the church, and we hope all students will consider this opportunity. Additionally, you may contact the office if you would like to become an usher or greeter at Mass. Greeters and ushers contribute to a welcoming environment. If you have a smile and handshake to share with your fellow parishioners, please consider these ministries! |
Be a Catechist |
Do you have what it Takes? Be a catechist! This ministry is a pivotal ministry in the Catholic Church, with its own set of responsibilities in canon (church) law. Catechists are responsible for helping individuals in their growth and development in the faith.
Catechists are encouraged to participate in catechist formation sessions, offered in a combination of classroom and on-line sessions. They usually give two hours per week to preparing and presenting a session. Materials and supportive assistance are provided by the parish. Catechists are needed for grades pre-k through 8th grade, as well as to help with confirmation classes. Contact the Religious Education Office for more information. 410-665-4106 or [email protected]. You are needed! |
Franciscan Center |
St. Ursula parishioners serve in the Franciscan Center Soup Kitchen. Some of the jobs needed include serving hot foods, preparing/serving desserts and drinks, hand out napkins, help disabled or parent with small children, hand out and monitor trays, or washing dishes.
Car-pooling is available from the St. Ursula Parking lot. Click here to sign up to volunteer. |
Hospitality |
Would you like to help with our Anniversary Mass Fellowship? Contact Michael Colbourne at [email protected] , Soup, Salad & Stations? Contact Jeanine Colbourne at [email protected], "Donut Days"? Contact Edward Herrera at [email protected]
The are several possible opportunities to become involved! |
Marriage Preparation |
Couples are needed to help with Pre-Cana, the program all engaged couples must go through before marriage. Pre-Cana classes are generally held twice per year over the course of 4 consecutive weekends. Catholic couples are needed to help guide table discussions. Contact Bernie Miller at [email protected] for more information on getting involved with this ministry.
Music Ministry |
Saint Ursula has a vibrant music ministry, with something for just about anyone who is musically inclined. To lean more about current opportunities, see our Music Ministry page.
Our Daily Bread |
Casseroles are needed on the third Saturday, every other month, and are taken to Our Daily Bread to feed Baltimore's homeless. If you would like to bake a casserole, or help in transporting the casseroles, please contact Shannon Schoelkopf at 410-665-2111 ext. 100 or [email protected].
odbschedule_2024-2025.pdf |
Pastoral Visitors |
Pastoral Visitors are sent forth from St. Ursula to bring the Word of God and the Eucharist to our sick and housebound parish members. They also bring prayers and news (the parish bulletin) . Visits are usually weekly. Please contact Deacon David at [email protected] to learn more.
Prayer Shawl Ministry |
Calling all knitter and crocheters! If interested in making prayer shawls or learning to make prayer shawls, please contact Jeanne Delozier at 410-322-1048, or call the parish office at 410-665-2111.
Pro-Life Ministry |
Our Pro-life ministry meets once per month on Tuesdays evenings. If you would like more information, please contact Liz Walz at 410-663-1096.
Society of Saint Vincent de Paul |
The St. Ursula Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul operates an emergency food pantry at St. Ursula Church. Our Pantry helps many families in our Community with food assistance. The Pantry also offers limited financial help with other emergencies including BGE turn-off notices, rent eviction notices, medical and transportation problems. If you would like to volunteer, please call Tom Fitzgerald at 410-665-0918
Youth Ministry |
Young adults and parents are needed to lead small groups, supervise groups, provide snacks, and for other event-specific roles. Please contact our Youth Minister Tanya Ray at 410-665-2111 ext. 106 or at [email protected] to be involved!
All volunteers must be Virtus screened in order to volunteer at the parish. This is done online. Visit https://www.stursulaparish.org/virtus.html
for more information.
Teens age 14 - 17 must participate in Worthy of the Call training before they can volunteer. This happens a few times per year. Please contact Laura Weatherington to find out when the next training session is taking place at [email protected]
for more information.
Teens age 14 - 17 must participate in Worthy of the Call training before they can volunteer. This happens a few times per year. Please contact Laura Weatherington to find out when the next training session is taking place at [email protected]